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From Wrestling to B-Movies – Interview with actress Jamie Morgan

Today we present another exclusive interview, this time with actress Jamie Morgan, who starred in many b-movies in the last years, including the just released horror Cocaine Werewolf, directed by Mark Polonia.

Hi, Jamie, welcome on BmovieFilms. Do you mind introducing yourself to our readers?

Hello BmovieFilms fans. I’m Jamie Morgan, I consider myself an Actress and a stunt performer from Central New York.  I think of myself as a fun and shy girl who grew up nerdy and shy.  I always enjoyed the times I would watch WWE, at that time it was WWF.  I thought they looked so mighty and when I would get teased in school for my glasses, my hair and my skin color I would just imagine that I was throwing them threw tables to shut them up.

Can you tell us how you started your career?

I started training at a Wrestling school in Syracuse New York when I was 16 years old.  I trained there for almost a year. I didn’t get along with the man in charge so I moved on to other organizations. Ultimate Wrestling in Phelps and East Coast Pro Wrestling in Cortland and Endicott. In UW my character was Dee Licious.  In ECPW my character was Puerto Rican Princess. A friend told me about a film company called Mad Angel Films in Utica New York that needed zombie extras, people who were willing to get physical. I went, got make up put on me, fake blood poured over me and I attacked one of the lead Actors in Half Dead. It was a nice day and I loved it so much. I told the Director Matt Peters that anytime he needed this I was very interested.  The following year I was a Mercenary in Slade Collins And The Tree Of Life.

Is an acting career difficult in the world of low budget productions? The pro and cons to be a b-movie/low budget actress?

Low budget films can be hard because there isn’t too many of them that do sequels so building a character in one film is in my opinion a challenge.  I do try to have some kind of difference in each one, but to distinguish that in an hour.
Low budget films can great for the same reason of limited character development because it means you get to do many different types of people.
My favorite film project that I have worked on is Radiant Dark by Mad Angel Films. It’s an Action Adventure about a group of unlikely friends who have to save their land from the forces of evil that threaten it. Matt Peters had this vision for it that reminded me of Game Of Thrones and I loved that so much.  I got to let my vicious side show.  For sure one of my favorites.
Cocaine Werewolf, a horror comedy directed by Mark Polonia, was recently released. What can you tell us about this movie?
Cocaine Werewolf with Mark Polonia in Wellsboro Pennsylvania was filmed in December of 2023.  One very hard thing about filming this movie is that my car was vandalized the week before filming.  Some teens broke into my 2016 Hyundai Elantra in the hopes of stealing it.  I didn’t have another way to get there so thankfully my mom went with me, Mark said it was okay for her to be on the set with us.  My mind was a bit occupied with the unsettling thoughts of my car.  The joy that I did get from being there came mostly from getting to be “friendly” with Greta Volkova.  She is the one who introduced me to Mark and Polonia Bros. Entertainment.  I’m always going to love her and be endlessly thankful to her.
We filmed for 2 days.  Mostly rehearsals and filming.  My character Venita is a wannabe Actress, so it wasn’t hard to find my motivation for that.  I remember the first time I saw the werewolf costume.  I was very impressed with the look and especially the eyes.  The eyes really brought it to life.  I believe it was made by a man in Texas.  I worked with good people.  Brice, he travels quite a distance to be with us I enjoyed him being a fun co worker.  This was my first time working with Addison, he was professional and very good.  Ken is always giving and working with him was great.  Greta I can’t say enough good things about.  After the film was edited by Mark our Producer Tim Yasui of Cleopatra Entertainment got us film premieres in Pennsylvania.  That was an awesome time, getting dressed up and promoting our work.
  I also hope I was descriptive in the difference between hard and great about B movies.  It is hard not to build a character personality traits, but very rewarding to get to be a multitude of different people who have all sorts of different experiences.
You do some nude scenes in your movies. What is your relationship with nudity and how do you consider this element in the films you work on? Is it an obstacle or a resource? 
Nudity in film was something that I had always promised my dad that I wouldn’t do and I wanted to stay true to that.  One day I was driving home from Rochester New York where I did a 20 second spot. I was thinking about how I could have gone to an audition for a Horror movie in Syracuse, but they asked for the women to be good with nudity. I went just to have the experience of the audition, I didn’t really want it so of course I goofed off and was super playful.  They offered me a role and I was shocked and said I guess I better get good with nudity quick.  I think that it’s helpful in certain films to add in a bit of nudity and I don’t regret changing my mind about it.
The b-movies world, especially in the United States, is full of projects in development: horror, comedies, thriller, softcore movies. Do you think there’s a sort of saturation for the industry? 
This question confuses me a bit, but if saturation means too much of it then I guess I would say they probably have a lot of B movies be Horror because it’s not a hard concept that there’s a killer killing people and audiences don’t need to suspend their belief in that.
The set of Blood Red Beach by Mad Angel Films.
Besides the horror genre, have you worked on other genres? 
Other genres of films that I have done besides horror are action adventures, I did a Romantic Comedy called Exes, in that I played a Lawyer.  I’m in a Musical called Symphonia by Mad Angel Films and lucky for you all I don’t sing in it.  Mark Polonia did a movie called One Million Babes BC that feels like a Historical movie that could be found on the Discovery Channel.
Last question. Can you tell us a funny behind the scenes of your movies?
A funny Behind The Scenes story is from Jurassic Shark 3 Seavenge.  A Polonia Bros. Entertainment film.  I told Mark Polonia during filming Camp Murder that I would like to be a bit evil in something.  When I got the message for Jurassic and saw I get to be bad.  Spoiler Alert.  Mark plays a character in this and I get to “shoot him” and it’s something I still bring up to this day that I got to shoot him for a change.  Plus riding around in his boat always makes me smile to think of.  If I can add another one to this.  Filming Barely Coping by Mad Angel Films had a group bonfire party scene.  We needed extras, I invited my brother.  Thank goodness I did because none of us knew how to tap a keg, but he did.
Twitter/X: jamiemorgan5984
Instagram: jamie_ann_morgan


1 thought on “From Wrestling to B-Movies – Interview with actress Jamie Morgan

  1. What a wonderful interview, ive seen many of Jamie movies and she comes across as an excellent character actress changing her image and character all the time can be quite hard but she makes it look easy.
    I cant wait see her newest movies, so good luck Jamie in your film career x.

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