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Bigfoot or Bust, new movie from Jim Wynorski (Or a Joke)?

According to two of our sources, followers of Christine Nguyen on twitter (where the actress recently blocked us, without explanation, a short time ago), the beautiful and sexy actress has announced a new movie, whose production will begin on August 17: Bigfoot or Bust.

After a quick search, we discovered that this project should be carried out by Jim Wynorski and starred, among others, by Cindy Lucas and Becky Le Beau. At the moment, however, the mystery remains about this project, for a couple of reasons:

It is not the first time in recent years that Wynorski has announced a movie that does not go into production. The director is known for his jokes, and just two years ago he announced another movie (Momo Strikes Again) which was never shot in the end.

Furthermore, we do not know what safety protocols are currently available for production during lockdown and pandemic. If we have more details, we’ll updates you.

2 thoughts on “Bigfoot or Bust, new movie from Jim Wynorski (Or a Joke)?

  1. It finally got made. I’m currently in post. Final cast: Chirstine Nguyen, Becky LeBeau, Lisa London, Gail Thackray, Rocky DeMarco and Cindy Lucas.

    1. Hi, Mr. Wynorski!!! Thanks for your comment. It’s possible to know some details about the plot? Thanks in advance.

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