Behind The Scenes / Blog / Comedy

Attack of the 50 Foot CamGirl Review

When we finished watching Attack of the 50 Foot Camgirl, what we immediately thought was: Jim Wynorski needs Full Moon Features and vice versa. But also, at the same time, another thing.

Full Moon Features by Charles Band is not Retromedia. And it will never be if there are no changes to the way of making films. Especially if they are directed towards a certain range of spectators, easily recognizable.

Attack of the 50 Foot Camgirl is a good movie, certainly better than the recent Bigfoot or Bust by the same director, one of the most horrible things I’ve ever seen in the last few years.

It’s funny in some sequences. There is a leading actress (Ivy Smith) who, despite not being the best in acting (but this is her first movie!) still manages to provide a good acting proof, especially if her character talks using hashtags in every situation, and this is a funny idea. Maybe the better idea of the entire movie.

Christine Nguyen does what she did in many softcore movies produced by Retromedia in the past: the main villain and the secret mistress . She does this, as always, fine, but in this movie she has a problem that she didn’t have in the Retromedia films. A bad make up.

Throughout the film, especially when she is filmed up close, she appears aged and not in the best of shape. This means that, for the first time in years, the actress is not very sexy in the role, even if the scene of the shower removes any doubt about her general physical shape. Christine Nguyen’s strength has always been to be sexy when she played the typical girl next door, especially thanks to a make-up that, at the time of the Retromedia movies, managed to capture this essence. Here it does not happen, and it shows.

This probably means mismanagement of the photography and light present on set, and this is a serious mistake for a director, especially when you use veteran actresses of the softcore genre.

And speaking of softcore, we want to highlight another problem with Attack of the 50 Foot CamGirl. Nudity.

Yes, both actresses, Christine Nguyen and Ivy Smith are naked in two scenes. Cindy Lucas appears in topless, but the feeling is that something is missing.

The short running time of the movie, just 60 minutes, and some scenes that close with the actors ready to have sex (but we don’t see it), suggest an evident cut of some sex scenes. Probably three.

The first with Eli Cirino and Ivy Smith, the second (a lesbian scene) with Lisa London and the main actress, and the third with Eli Cirino and Christine Nguyen, practically the final one. There is probably a director’s cut somewhere, and probably Full Moon has decided to show this version so as not to miss the streaming platforms. If this was the main reason, then why not release the full version of the film on DVD and Blu ray?

In conclusion, we recommend watching this movie, but at the same time we tell you that if you are a lover of softcore (the one of the last few years) you will not find anything you are looking for in this movie. A pair of boobs, but nothing more.

Full Moon Features still has a long way to go. And to revive the softcore genre, more is needed.


1 thought on “Attack of the 50 Foot CamGirl Review

  1. Yeah, I agree with pretty much everything you said. It gave me a few laughs, and there were a few times I was (faintly) reminded of the fun of the older Seductive Cinema movies. But man, it was way short of my expectations in many ways. Maybe fresh faces and younger cast in the sequel will lead to a better movie.

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